Why We Do What We Do

One of our clients is a 58-year-old recent widow. After her husband died, she lost her apartment because she couldn’t afford the rent.  She is now living in a shed with an extension cord supplying all her electric power.  She rations what she eats and often goes to sleep cold and hungry.  We referred her to community resources, but it will take time to sort her situation and improve the quality of her life.  She is depressed and lonely.  Despite the hardships she faces every day she told us that she is grateful to the Pantry for the food and help she has received.

Unfortunately, her story is not unique.  Hunger is closer than you think.  There are many people like her living in our affluent community.  Sometimes we just don’t see the hunger which is right in front of us.  

Businesses, individuals and families have been generous to us.  As we begin a new year, we are energized by the evidence that we are making a difference and by the overwhelming community support given the Pantry.  We are grateful and work hard to use your donations wisely.   We value your partnership!